Angkor 360° 

The underlying visual architecture of the Virtual Angkor project allows us to create 360 degree panoramas that enable you to look around the city as if you were standing in a particular spot at a particular time.  Although they are best experienced with a Virtual Reality headset such as a Google Daydream, the videos displayed here can be moved around with a mouse or cursor, giving you some sense of how the city looked and a limited capacity to interact with the wider landscape.

Sculpture Workshop

A 360 view of a workshop where Khmer stonemasons are hard at work crafting the sculptures that adorn the temple complex at Angkor.



A 360 view inside the simulation of the Angkor Wat complex, depicting animated agents along the grid network of roads and paths within the fourth enclosure.


West Entrance

A 360 view inside the simulation of the Angkor Wat complex, depicting animated agents outside the western gates near the causeway across the moat.



A 360 view of a simulation of a typical Khmer village, depicting agents undertaking daily activities. 


Rice Fields

A 360 view of the rice fields of the Khmer Empire.



A 360 view of a bustling Khmer marketplace with a variety of common products on sale. 


On the Road

A 360 view of a typical scene on a large thoroughfare in the Khmer Empire.